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Helen Jo's Profile

Fashion & Beauty
Tech & Gaming
Dining & Nightlife

Helen Jo's latest tips

Where can I buy laptop sleeves?

At DNA on @Olahub They deliver for free www.olahub.com

Where can I find a fabulous shirt?

@Olahub they have +100 original brands and they deliver for free! www.olahub.com

Where can I find baby books and stories?

@Olahub they have Hamleys and Hello Kids on their website and they deliver for free! www.olahub.com

Where can I find nice necklaces for men?

Mecal for men, they are available online with free delivery in Jordan at @Olahub www.olahub.com

Where can I find cruelty and animal testing free products like LUSH?

@Olahub they have organic brands like The Face Shop and Palladio make up

Where can I find cruelty and animal testing free products like LUSH?

@Olahub they have organic brands like The Face Shop and Palladio make up

Where can I buy weird souvenir?

Nothing like it @Olahub they also offer free delivery

Where can I buy nice thread anklets?

Accessorize, they are available online with free delivery at @Olahub

Where can I buy nice thread anklets?

Accessorize, they are available online with free delivery at @Olahub

Where can I find the best brand clothes outlets?

@Olahub it's not an outlet but they make good offers on high end brands

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