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Mea Tat-Yurt's latest tips

Where can I find furnished flats to rent?

Depending on your budget and the type of location you prefer, there are flats in Abdoun, Jubayha and Jabal Amman

Where can I find an apartment for less than JD 30000?

Jubaiha Area, around the Jordanian University - If you're looking for a 1 to 2 bedroom apartment

Where can I buy plants?

Theres a place right next to the German Jordanian University, keep the uni to ur left and take a left turn the store will also come up 2 ur left, great variety great service

Where can I have a coffee?

@New Cup Cafe - Great coffee Great service

Where can I find formal wear?

@Massimo Dutti - very elegant and classy style

Where can I find great tops for women?

FOREVER 21 - all kinds of tops and with pretty good prices

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