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mohammednour's latest tips

Where can I open my phone network lock(At&t)?

thanks Nadine. the location is great so close to where i live btw do u have their phone number ?

Where can I find original VANS sneakers?

there are many shops out there, thing is u want the cheapest so go to Byader , Rashed byouk street and search for outlet shops they are very well-known

Where can I take someone on a date (not to a restaurant or cafe)?

it depends on how long u have been together if u are new u should avoid places where u cant interact like cinemas i think a good walk is needed with a drink or any aort of activity like a billiards game

Where can I find a store that can buy online things for me?

u want someone to give u a visa and u pay via it?or just getting things to ur door step from online shops and pay cash?..

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