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Judee's Profile

Dining & Nightlife

Judee's latest tips

Where can I find places open for lunch during Ramadan?

@Oj's is open all day, they serve healthy platters and salads

Where can I find healthy food?

@Oj's has the most healthful and delicious platters ever, with a good budget and fast delivery

Where can I order good healthy food?

@Oj's pretty much fast delivery and the best salads and healthy platters, with the new menu you can create you're meal

Where can I order a healthy salad?

@Oj's fast delivery + the best salads and healthy food platters

Where can I find a beet and goat cheese salad?

@Oj's new menu have everything, you can mix and match and add all your favourite ingredients

Where can I have a good seafood salad?

@Oj's probably the best shrimp salad

Where can I find a place that delivers salads?

@Oj's have the best full meal salad.. call 07 8773 3339 or go to http://www.eatojs.com/# or the FB page

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