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23 Fans
Trax Jo

Trax Jo

4.5 Stars


King Abdullah II St. Located across the main street from the King Hussein Business Park.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:30 a.m. - 1:00 a.m.

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Where can I find outdoor activities or sports that locals enjoy?

@Trax Jo Our favorite place to have fun, the staff are very friendly and helpful and the vibes on fire Amazing courts and coaches

Where can I find a public basketball court?

you won't find a free court in Amman, but you can check out @Trax Jo they aren't expensive

Where can I go running?

@Trax Jo Next to CityMall in front of King Hussein Business Park.

Where can I reserve a basketball court this Saturday?

check out @Trax Jo they will start working on Saturday from 6:30a.m. - 11p.m.

Where can I find indoor basketball courts for a good price to play alone?

you can try @Trax Jo They charge 20 JD for 2 hours for half a court

Where can I find professional basketball training?

@Trax Jo they have a Basketball Academy with trainers

Where can I play volleyball?

@Trax Jo is the place to be to play volleyball in Amman

Where can I find a free public basketball court?

i don't know about a free court, but this place is very nice. They charge 20 JD for 2 hours for half a court @Trax Jo

Where can I find cool alternatives to the gym?

@Trax Jo they have lots of activities such as basketball, football, soccer, ping-pong, volleyball and bunch of other stuff.
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