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123 Fans
Jadal for Knowledge and Culture

Jadal for Knowledge and Culture

4.5 Stars - 4 Votes


Al Kalha Stairs Bldg. 5 - Jabal Al Weibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I take photography lessons?

@Jadal usually they provide photography classes check out their facebook page

Where can I find a pet friendly places?

@Jadal for Knowledge and Culture check out tip and tag's recent blog with a full list of pet friendly places https://blog.tipntag.com/the-weekender-pet-friendly-places/

Where can I meet new people as a 20 years old?

you can meet new people at art galleries like @Foresight Art Gallery or @Jadal for Knowledge and Culture

Where can I find Arabic cooking courses?

@Jadal for Knowledge and Culture is nice too. Like Lara said, Deewan is cool. They both have vegan classes.

Where can I know the concerts that are happening this year?

Check out @Jadal for Knowledge and Culture they usually have concerts and events on a weekly basis.

Where can I find a jam or open mic night?

@Jadal for Knowledge and Culture but call them to check if they still do it since it's COVID

Where can I find the best coffe house?

@MindHub @Sade Coffee House if you want a quiet one, have a look @Jungle Fever Coffee and Tea House , @Caffè Strada , @Jadal for Knowledge and Culture
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