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8 Fans
Free the Fork

Free the Fork

4.75 Stars - 4 Votes


Jamal Al Juqah St. In the Abdali Boulevard - Al Abdali



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
12:00 p.m to 12:00 a.m.

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Where can I find the best burger place?

if you're into sushi, check out this place @Free the Fork beef patty topped with wasabi-mayo sauce and pickled ginger

Where can I find the strangest food around town?

@Free the Fork Japanese burger !! A blend of beef patty topped with wasabi-mayo sauce and pickled ginger

Where can I eat the best sliders?

@Free the Forkhave all these different slider options with jameed and wasabi and what not. It's quite an experience. I definitely recommend the place.

Where can I eat the best tacos?

@Free the Forkis a new place that opened up, looks really good!!
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