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Khalid Kassim

Where can I find a flea market to buy clothes and antiques


Amman, Jordan




you can try @SOUK JARA its open only on fridays at first circle not sure if they have antiques.
1 Tipster agrees

they do have a few antique phones, cameras, daggers, post cards and coin collections but no furniture if that's what you're looking for. Jack and Elspeth went to one that sells clothing why dont you ask them?

Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but @Afghani in Mecca Mall has middle eastern antiques. No clothes I believe.
1 Tipster agrees

never heard of it, thanks! are these antiques used items or something someone makes and sells and calls them antiques?
I think most things there are unused
They sell traditional clothes and all of the items are unused

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