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83 Fans
Tiger Stores

Tiger Stores

3.25 Stars


Bldg. #20 Princess Taghreed Mohammad St. - Swefieh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy self defense weapons?

The best places would be @Tiger Stores as well as @Simon Complete Line of Guns

Where can I buy an above ground pool?

@Bashiti Hardware and @Tiger Stores and @ACE Hardware all have good size pools but if you want a smaller pool for kids then check out @Hamleys or even sometimes @C-Town or @Virgin Megastore

Where can I buy a bow for archery?

I would suggest you check with @Simon Complete Line of Guns and @Tiger Stores

Where can I buy a spin exercise bike?

@Tiger Stores and @Go Sport have nice spin exercise bikes :)

Where can I find a clothing store specific for camouflage?

Down Town (Basman Street) a place called "Sam"..........Or near AlHussein Mosque is a market or a small street known as "Souq el Yamaneyeh" .............And maybe @Nemer Uniform , @Tiger Stores

Where can I find a karate belt?

Try to get it from any Karate Academies, or sport stores such as @Tiger Stores
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