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73 Fans
Mijana Cafe

Mijana Cafe

4.75 Stars


Ahmad Bin Tolon St. Bldg 8, - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find a good Arabic restaurant?

@Mijana Cafe they serve great food , and for a great Arabic breakfast go to @Shams El Balad Cafe

Where can I have a 17th birthday party for school friends?

@Mijana Cafe in rainbow st is kind of cool, we did a birthday surprise for my friend there once, it was nice

Where can I find an elegant restaurant with great food service (Non-alcoholic)?

if you need it for a birthday you should try @Mijana Cafe @Cioconat Lounge or @Leila Min Lebnen

Where can I have breakfast at 9:30 a.m. on Friday in a place with kids activities?

Well there is breakfast buffet for kids @Everest Hotel where they have cartoon characters, face painting and more but it doesn't start until 10:30 and also another one that starts at 10:30 is @Mijana Cafe they are doing something very similar

Where can I find a beautiful and wonderful place to sit at?

It depends on what type of a place you are looking for! If it is cafe then try @VU'S Cafe or @Mijana Cafe if you want a restaurant then try @Dahab Restaurant , @Leila Min Lebnen or @Centro Brasserie , or you can go to @Tal Al Rumman a nice place for eating, having shisha and entertaining

Where can I watch football games (all leagues) and have shisha?

At any coffee shop that is for men only, you also can watch football games at several cafes; @TCHE TCHE , @Mijana Cafe also @Shisha Way , personally i really like watch the matches @Shaman Lounge :)

Where can I go for a good lunch & arigleh on this Thursday afternoon?

@Dunia Rooftop Lounge is a great place for both food and shisha, they open at 5 though so it'll be late lunch with a great view or @Mijana Cafe is another option that opens earlier

Where can I find a cafe with a nice view in rainbow street?

@Mijana Cafe or @DaraBuka Restaurant & Cafe or @Books@Cafe all have great views and service.
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