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51 Fans


3.75 Stars


7th Circle, Zahran St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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Where can I find the best selection of watches?

@C-Town supermarket - 7th circle - if you are interesed in DIGITAL watches. On the second floor there is a CASIO section and i get my watches from there, they have a guarantee for the watch you purchase and they are very functional and very smart watches having so much interesting features in them. Price range is 35 JD - 110 JD . Hope i gave you helpful information .

Where can I find an Outdoor Swimming Pool 5X5 Meters to Be Bought ( Portable Pool )?

they're found by chance only in the summer in department stores such as @C-Town, Carrefour & Safeway (you'll hv to look for it in newspaper ads)
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