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mayashatara's latest tips

Where can I buy manic panic or directions dye?

I've been looking for it here for ages and I couldn't find it but the closest thing that I found is called "mad touch " and its not as good as manic panic

Where can I buy evening dresses for a good price (online or boutique)?

I once ordered from simplydresses.com they have amazing dresses with good prices

Where can I find black ballerina shoes?

Check @Olympiad Sporting Goods they have black ballet slipers

Where can I buy jadaL concert's tickets they are sold out everywhere so please help!?

They posted on the event that today they will announce if they'll be selling tickets on the door

Where can I buy ballet clothes and shoes?

There's fine ballet slippers (they're not leather nor original ) @Al Shalati Bookshop And there's leotards, skirts and slippers from bloch they sell them @Freeway Dance Studios Also there's leotards @Olympiad Sporting Goods

Where can I buy a fujifilm instax camera (and how much would it cost)?

there's an electronic shop in Baraka mall which sells them @Grand Stores Digital (huwe wakeel fuji film)

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