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Where can I get myle pods?

@VapeJo MYLE' PODS, Pack of 4, JOD25..MYLE' Device Magnatic, JOD49.00..Myle Device USB, JOD65.00

Where can I find the best vape brands shop?

@VapeJo you need to order it, it will take up to a week or so. All the stock in their page are available to deliver within one hour, other stock within 1 week, and the Juul is not available so you need to pre order it. It costs 70 JD.

Where can I find zero pod?

you can find it anywhere, try @VapeJo for 49 JD

Where can I buy a Renova Zero?

There is a closed Facebook group called @VapeJo. They sell them every day. Dm me, I'll send you an invite.

Where can I find salt nic vape juice?

@VapeJo's vape juice and vaping equipment is affordable and nice

Where can I get smok pen 22 & vimto juice for a good price?

@VapeJo they only have the vimto juice and it costs 20 jds

Where can I find HEETS tobacco for the IQOS?

@VapeJo sells them. It costs 70 JD's per crooz (the box or crooz has 10 packets of HEETS)
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