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bayanturk's latest tips

Where can I get the best burger for takeaway?

@BIGt Burgers has incredible burgers, very light on the stomach. If you want something with some extra sides, I recommend @The Passport, the thing is they deliver only to a certain radius

Where can I find fairy lights that are with batteries not electricity?

@IKEA has a few actually - they're hidden well somewhere on the first floor at the lights section

Where can I buy art supplies?

@Archi Arts has a wide collection of supplies

Where can I find the best sushi for take away/delivery?

@Cozmo sells sushi boxes from @Live Sushi ready to go!

Where can I find a sparkling pomegranate drink?

You can make your own. Just get a quality pomegranate juice from @Cozmo and add soda water to it

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