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Where can I find shilajit?

The World of Shilajit on Facebook

Where can I find birria tacos?

I remember seeing @Mr. Burritos advertise them once.

Where can I find a medical qualitative data analyst?

@King Hussein Cancer Center Idk if they take projects but they can definitely recommend people for you. Call the research center.

Where can I find the best Public hospital or non-private hospitals to find the best Orthopedic surgeon?

@Jordan University Hospital it's not a luxurious experience, but the doctors are good and knowledgeable, especially in the orthopedic department

Where can I donate medicines?

Usually you can ask local charities or post on Facebook groups. Some NGOs have clinics so maybe you can donate to them like International Medical Corps and Islamic Relief Worldwide and Medical Aid

Where can I find sherri hill?

Idk if they still sell them but @Fashion House Amman and @deedresserjo on Instagram

Where can I find functional medicine clinic?

@Biomedical Clinic and @Jordanian Center for Chinese Medicine and https://www.facebook.com/Best-Healing-360146951106196/ However, I would really recommend researching the efficacy of some of their services before visiting.

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