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11 Fans
Pillbox Pharmacy

Pillbox Pharmacy


Ahad St. Opposite Modern Montessori School - Khalda



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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Where can I find blister treatment patch?

@Pillbox Pharmacy have it and it really helps fasten the healing process.

Where can I find Silicone Teething Holders?

I totally recommend Gerber Snacks for Baby, it really helped my nephew. You can find it @Pillbox Pharmacy or any pharmacy.. and if not you can order from @iherb

Where can I get Bengay or Tiger Balm?

@Pillbox Pharmacy probably has both but if not you can order through ubuy.

Where can I find Zinc tablets?

You can literally find them at any pharmacy like @Rawhi Pharmacy or @Pillbox Pharmacy @Pharmacy1

Where can I find Vaseline Advanced Repair Unscented Body Lotion (this specific one)?

You can easily find it in any shop like @Cozmo or @Safeway , if you did not find them there you can try visiting a pharmacy they have it for sure, like @Pillbox Pharmacy or @Rawhi Pharmacy

Where can I find vitamin C pills?

You can find them at any pharmacy like @Pillbox Pharmacy or @Rawhi Pharmacy
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