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Where can I find the best hot dogs (with bacon if possible)?

@Wazzup Dog - is amaaazing!!!!! not sure about bacon... but you will not regret it :DD

Where can I buy a used Apple (MacBook) computer?

@Al-Balad - im not sure where exactly... but i heard they sell used ones over there... although i don't recommend to get a used one since it's not guaranteed... however, if you want a cheap apple computer, you can go to Apple.com go to "deals" scroll down, till you find special deals, then Refurbished Mac. way cheaper... but they aren't provided with the case or the fancy accessories..

Where can I find Coldplay merchandise?

@Divertido - You can print it there incase you don't find it

Where can I find the best bar?

@Murphy's Pub - House of Rock

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