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Raed Tabani1's Profile

Dining & Nightlife
Travel Junkie
Sports & Outdoors

Raed Tabani1's latest tips

Where can I find a therapist office inspired cafe?

My girlfriend and fight a lot and we thought it would be funny if our next date would be in a therapist office,which is crazy, so im wondering what's a cafe that has the vibe of a therapist office if any

Where can I find quality bicycle used or new in the range 150-200JD?

Had some really bad experiences with opensooq the bicycles were either over priced or of not good quality. So id rather find a reputable place even if it meant a little more cash...better safe than sorry I guess :)

Where can I buy Coconut oil?

I think you can find it in any @Virgin Megastore we always buy some to make Masala :)

Where can I eat the best Ramen?

you can try a homemade Korean instant ramen, it's called Shin ramen, be warned its so spicy thought, there's a place in Gardenz that sells it

Where can I get info on Amman railway?

Wait we have a railway in Amman?

Where can I find a bookshop that sells arabic novels ( not 1st circle or downtown)?

@University Bookshop has a pretty good collection of novels, not sure if they are in arabic, but you can always ask :)

Where can I eat the best steak sandwiches?

@La Mirabelle serves A pretty tasty Stake sandwiches if I remember correctly, plus the view is amazing especially in the early morning, I say give it a try :)

Where can I find detox bottles?

there's always Meyah Zamzam, according to some ppl it's the purest Water ever

Where can I get kimchi (Korean pickled vegetables)?

you can Always make it at home! my mom is korean and I can get you the recipe if you want :)

Where can I find english conversation lessons for mothers?

im thinking about getting a conversation lesson for my mom on mothers day. and i think she would be more comfortable around mothers around her age so im wondering if anyone knows a good place which offer courses for moms only?

Where can I rent or watch a cat for a week?

i know this sounds really weird but we kinda have a rule against cats, and pets in general, in our house. but i really would love to rent if u will a cat for maybe just a week, take care of it and stuff....so im just wondering is there a way to do other than dumpster diving?

Where can I find a park for a picnic?

have you tried @King Hussein Sports City ? i know it says its not a place for picnic but i see a lot of people there doing it...just dont expect to bring the barbeque

Where can I find a person or place that can help me get a strong British accent?

@vanessa obviously i thaught about british counsil but i wonder how much a conversation course woukd go for? i mean i would love to learn the accent but not drill a hole in my wallet ...

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