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41 Fans
Darat Al Funun

Darat Al Funun

5 Stars - 8 Votes


Bldg. #13 Nadeem Al Mallah St. - Jabal Al Lweibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find graffitis?

In Weibdeh near @Darat Al Funun there are some graffiti

Where can I take advanced drawing classes?

How advanced are we talking? Best thing to do is call @Darat Al Funun if you are above their students levels they will recommend a private teacher for you but call them up they are the best

Where can I find screen printing supplies like photo emulsion, screens and tshirt printing ink?

@Darat Al Funun might have what you need if you can't find all of them you should order from @Cash Basha

Where can I find really cheap canvas?

You can find them @Darat Al Funun they sell them to the uni student they might be the cheapest

Where can I find the best art gallery?

@Darat Al Funun I love it personally, its just amazing

Where can I find a nice public place where I can play guitar at?

Hey Silva! My friends and I play different instruments and usually jam together on weekends at different spots.. If you are interested we will be playing on Saturday 4 to 7 pm at the @Darat Al Funun park in Weibdeh. It's usually all acoustic and the guys that play the guitar are pretty good so I am sure you will like it. Hope we get to see you then! Tip n' Jam with us if you get the chance ;)

Where can I find all the artists and galleries?

I know the following galleries @Zara Gallery, @Darat Al Funun @Nabad Art Gallery
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