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38 Fans
Boho Haus

Boho Haus

4.75 Stars - 7 Votes


Mohammad Al Amin Al Momani St. Behind Cairo Amman Bank - Al Salehien



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

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Where can I have a good time with amazing food and a pleasant atmosphere in your personal opinion?

Depends on what kind of place you are looking for; @Shamasy Cafe for shisha and playing cards or jakaroo and amazing food also pretty cheap or you can go to @Boho Haus for great food and a really nice/artistic seating area. Or if you are looking for a bar kind of thing, the food @The Corner's Pub is really really good

Where can I find a cafe with outdoor seating and good views?

@Boho Haus has a really cute outdoor area, no views to be honest but the outdoor seating is really cool and they have good food!!

Where can I find a delicious cozy place to eat at?

@Boho Haus It may not be the coziest but still has a very positive feel to it. The design, ambiance, and of course the food place it on my list of favorites in Amman. Also, the shisha is pretty good!

Where can I find a great place to hangout with a big group of people?

There's a bunch of places that are great for that in Amman, just depends on what exactly you're looking for. For a nice cafe set-up check out @Boho Haus , if you're leaning more towards bars or restaurants then check out @Books@Cafe or @Wild Jordan Center

Where can I go to a nice place or any activity that a people of 12 can go to (it doesn't matter if it's a restaurant or a game or anything)?

Cafes are good options as well, try @Majnoon Qahwa in Taj mall or @Haneen .. also mecca street has some nice cafes @Boho Haus for example and @Cafe Nay
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